With spring break upon us, many find themselves reflecting on the wide range of vacations they’ve enjoyed in the past. As for me, I prefer to stay close to home and visit one of Florida’s thrilling theme parks. There are so many different rides and attractions and yet very little precious vacation time. So, in an effort to help you plan the best Floridian theme park vacation, I have compiled a list of the best theme park rides in Florida. Keep in mind that these are in no particular order and are put on the list based on overall experience, not by which one can make you throw up the fastest.
Haunted Mansion at The Magic Kingdom
When putting this list together, I tried not to let nostalgia cloud my judgment. Yet to not include Disney’s take on a spook house would be a crime. During the dark ride, you board a slow moving “doom buggy” and are given a tour of the mansion narrated by owner-of-the-creepiest-voice-known-to-man (Paul Frees). The Haunted Mansion opened in 1971, and despite being more than 40 years old the effects still hold up incredibly well. I’ve visited the mansion at least 30 times over the years, and I still find myself marveling at some of the effects.
Jurassic Park at Universal Studios
Every theme park, not just in Florida but around the world, has their own log flume ride. The premise is simple. You go up a hill, you go down a hill, you get soaking wet. However, Jurassic Park gets special recognition for just how thrilling it manages to be with such a simple concept. On your way to the grand finale, you are stalked by realistic and downright terrifying dinosaurs, plunged into total darkness, and dropped down a serious of “warm-up” hills. Last but not least, the final drop is the steepest and fastest in the state of Florida. Not the wettest though. That title belongs to….
Splash Mountain at The Magic Kingdom
As thrilling as Jurassic Park is, nobody surpasses Disney when it comes to the atmosphere of their themes. As we follow Brer Rabbit on his journey out of the Briar Patch, we are treated to large elaborate scenes of animal characters in their peculiar worlds. This isnt even mentioning the final drop which is incredible, and incredibly soaking.
Sheikra and Manta at Busch Gardens and SeaWorld, respectively
Truth be told, I’m really not a big inverted coaster person. They make me sick, and as much as I might try to enjoy them they always end up giving me a parting gift of crippling motion sickness. With that being said Sheikra and Manta earn a spot because they are both incredibly unique coasters. Sheikra has a 90 degree drop straight down and Manta flies you around on your stomach with you posed like Superman. Both are fast, smooth, and thrilling. Give them a try if you can handle it.
Harry Potter and The Forbidden Journey at Universal Studios
This. Is. So. Awesome. I said at the beginning that these attractions are in no particular order but if I had to rank them, this little baby here would probably top the list. And that isn’t just isn’t my inner Potter fangirl speaking either ( Ok well, maybe a little bit) . The technology at work here is breathtaking. Seamlessly flowing IMAX level immersive screens with real animatronic sets and characters, the design of the ride vehicle puts you right in the middle of all the action, with everything from a dragon to giant spiders.. Seriously, ride it.
Test Track at EPCOT
You go 60 miles per hour with the top down. Let me repeat that, 60 MILES PER HOUR IN A CAR WITH NO TOP ON YOUR CAR. If that does not excite you, you’re reading the wrong article. You start out by designing your own car, and then that design gets put to the test in various challenges including incline, speed, durability, and power. You go fast, slow, up, down, and are guaranteed to leave with a smile on your face.
Toy Story Midway Mania at Hollywood Studios
In this moving 3D shooter, you play a bunch of midway style games starring the characters of Toy Story. Granted, the Line is always really long but it really is worth it because the ride is just pure fun. The best part of this is the competitive aspect. Not since the days of parade stakeouts has one hated their fellow tourist this much.
Honorable mentions
Dragon Challenge, Spider-Man, The Hulk at Universal Studios. Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean at the Magic Kingdom. Journey to Atlantis at SeaWorld, and Expedition Everest at Animal Kingdom. Happy theme park visiting!