Cooper City High School’s National Honor Society has elected their new officers for the 2013-2014 school year and these new officers have an impressive legacy to live up to.
The NHS here at CCHS is one of the more prestigious clubs at the school. Students are accepted into NHS through a thorough application process. NHS is know for its involvement in the student body and surrounding community. Two projects they sponsored recently were Teens for Jeans and Pennies for Parkinson’s disease. Through projects like these, the club has maintained their standard of gold status in Broward County for community service work.
NHS is one of the more selective clubs at our school. In the past, the top 2% of the senior class has been on the executive board. Next year, NHS will be headed by current juniors Spencer Pearlman, Anya Hall, and Joey Khoury.
Pearlman is taking over the president office from the class of 2013 valedictorian Simon Shuham.
“It’s a little intimidating and has some pressure, but Spencer can handle it,” Shuham said.
Hall is the new VP of Administration, and embraces the challenges that come with the office. Hall became involved in NHS because of the influence of his older sister.
Khoury is now acting VP of Activities. He personally wants to maintain and enhance the club’s involvement in the community through more charitable works.
Overall, the class of 2014 and their new NHS executive board have monumental standards to live up to, but even grander plans awaiting them.