Governor Rick Scott’s stance on gun control is self-beneficial Governor Rick Scott’s stance on gun control is self-beneficial
BY ANNABELLE ROSA Politicians have always been notorious for their overly flippant behavior and their desire to appease the public in order to gain... Governor Rick Scott’s stance on gun control is self-beneficial


Politicians have always been notorious for their overly flippant behavior and their desire to appease the public in order to gain favor or something else along those lines. In light of recent events and the current administration, such actions have become commonplace, to the point that it even seems fairly casual that government leaders should lie about their political standings in order to gain what they want rather than being honest with their general audience.

Following the tragedy in Parkland, Florida governor Rick Scott has taken to promoting gun control despite his previous history of defending a lack thereof.

“It’s horrible what happened in Parkland,” Scott said. “…it’s just devastating what happened in that community…we have got to change.”

Scott made this statement when he met with local law enforcement in Naples where he later went on to highlight his $500 million plan for gun reform which would also change the age limit for purchasing AR-15’s from 18 to 21.

Scott is by no means a man who has ever sought to advocate for gun reform; however, in a moment of horrifying injustice, he swiftly changed his stance on the matter. This seems all too convenient.

Scott is by no means a man who has ever sought to advocate for gun reform; however, in a moment of horrifying injustice, he swiftly changed his stance on the matter. This seems all too convenient. Of course, there is no issue with attempting to maintain peace and harmony within our nation, yet it seems peculiar that a man who has constantly defended guns, and even the NRA, should so quickly bat for the other team.

People do change, but the reality is that change often takes time seeing as the human condition is something that is irrevocable and people are notoriously stubborn especially when politics plays a part in the matter. The United States is notorious for its bipartisanship and polarity amongst its two primary political parties. Democrats and Republicans have always had their differences and their quarrels, gun reform especially. Neither of these parties are likely to change their stances on the matter any time soon.

In the same regard it should be acknowledged that rhetoric plays a huge role in politics as well, and Scott may very well have based his decision to advocate for this particular bill as a result of the Parkland shooting. In fact it stands as a perfect appeal to pathos, pathos being an appeal to the emotions.

Scott’s primary focus is “creating jobs and turning Florida’s economy around,” a platform which would suggest he’s more of an economist than anything else. Guns generate revenue if nothing else and, Scott, according to Politico, once “signed every NRA gun bill he could.” His sudden stance change has aggravated the NRA and placed him in the good graces of the teacher’s union.

His sudden stance change has aggravated the NRA and placed him in the good graces of the teacher’s union.

All individuals want to be on the winning side of history and, the fact of the matter is that Scott does as well. Following the atrocities that transpired at MSD and the fact that students are now fighting against the frequency of school shootings, it has become very apparent that gun reform is something that will inevitably occur. Whether it happen now or twenty years in the future, gun reform is something that this generation will live to see. Governor Scott, in a last ditch effort, has become a turncoat, thereby “betraying” his own party and joining the other team.

“Rick Scott is trying to erase the memories of everybody on the stances he’s taken on guns for the past eight years,” former Florida Democratic Party chair Allison Tant said.

The switch seems to be an act of political sacrifice which Scott is merely using to benefit himself rather than the victims of the shooting that he claims he empathizes with.

Photo courtesy of The National Sentinel