HHN vs. Busch Gardens

HHN vs. Busch Gardens

Opinions November 8, 2015

BY ALEX DEARDORFF   Everyone has their own special holiday which they look forward to throughout the year. Some people prefer the cold winter nights (if you don’t live in Florida) leading up to Christmas; others enjoy the hot summer afternoons leading up to the Fourth of July. Then,... Read more
When Funny Gets Serious
BY WENDY LUN   Humor is varied. One joke may seem hilarious to one person but dull to another. However, is there a fine line when it comes to punchlines? The safest bet is to stay away from insults and sarcasm, yet something about being hostile is appealing to... Read more
Why Columbus Day Should Be Abolished
  BY SAVANNAH KEYSER   Columbus Day is an American holiday celebrated on the second Monday in October. The holiday honors Christopher Columbus as the first person to discover America. However, Columbus Day is the celebration of a man that, in fact, did not discover America. This day causes... Read more
The Sleep Epidemic

The Sleep Epidemic

Opinions October 13, 2015

BY MELANIE SMITH AND CALEB NEALE   Students trudge into the hallways of schools throughout the country. Some clutch a Starbucks drink and a textbook, while others accept the inevitable and nod off in their oversized hoodies. Many adults feel that the quintessential teenager is lazy and unmotivated, justifying... Read more
Society Continues to Judge Women of Size
BY CAMILA SOSA While there was certainly a time when skinny girls had the upper hand, dominating every aspect of media, it seems as though they have recently lost their prevalence. This could’ve been a good thing if it meant that there was some equal distribution among thin and thicker... Read more
Where Did All the Athletes Go?
BY ALLIE BARNARD High school athletics serve as much more than just a means for students to get exercise outside of gym class or to fill time as an extracurricular activity. For an athlete, it’s a lifestyle- and for their community, it’s a source of unity. High school athletes... Read more
Ignorance of Today’s Kids
BY SABRINA VICTOR According to the New York Times, an American child is six times more likely to know who won American Idol than the name of the Speaker of the House. Since 2008, SAT reading and writing scores have dropped significantly and, nowadays, some kids claim to not... Read more
Caring for Your Cravings: CCHS Candy Fundraisers are Grossly Unhealthy
BY SAMANTHA ROBERTS As soon as Mark paid for his second chocolate bar of the day, he almost immediately tore open the wrapper and started munching on the crispy, chewy pieces. You didn’t see him glance at the label on the back at all; the wrapper took a short... Read more
Homecoming should be held at Home
BY DANIELLA ASPURU Homecoming has been around since 1909, when Southwestern University held the first formal celebration. Originally it was intended for students that had already graduated to return to their alma mater and reconnect with old friends. Currently, it has become the time of year for college and high... Read more
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: More Than Just Another Fad
BY CAMILLA SOSA While many charities attempt to raise awareness through good old fashioned donation jars and organized walks, the ALS organization stepped up their fundraising techniques and began one of the biggest social trends this year-The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The rules, as understood, are as followed: When... Read more